National Federal & Florida representation. Global clientele.
The firm has also extensively published and presented on many other important legal issues:
* Chapter 19, Preparation of Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2019-20)
* Chapter 20, Amicus Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2019-20)
* Successful Federal Appeals in All Circuit Courts: A Practical Guide for Busy Lawyers (3d ed. 2017)
* Chapter 19, Preparation of Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2016-17)
* Chapter 20, Amicus Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2016-17)
* Preparing Your Employment Law Case for Appeal in the Eleventh Circuit, 11th Circuit Joint NELA Conference, Savannah,Ga. (March 21, 2014)
* Preparation of Appellate Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2013-14).
* Amicus Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2013-14).
* Appellate Stays in Civil Cases: Florida and Federal Courts Offer More Security Flexibility Than Believed, But Beware of Violating Their Stays, 86(10) Fla. Bar. J. 48 (Dec. 2012).
* The Appellate Process and How Decisions Are Made, Univ. Miami School of Law Presentation (June 2012).
* Amicus Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2011-12).
* The Appellate Process and How Decisions Are Made, Univ. Miami School of Law Presentation (June 2011).
* Formatting and Cite-Checking Federal and State Appellate Briefs, Fla. App. Prac. Sec. Meet the State and Federal Clerks Seminar Before the Third District Court of Appeal (March 2011).
* Judicial Notice on Appeal: A History Lesson in Recent Trends, 84(10) Fla Bar. J. 45 (Dec. 2010).
* Writing Better Appellate Briefs, Fla. App. Prac. Sec. Practice Before the Florida Fifth District Court of Appeal Panel Presentation (March 2010).
* Amicus Briefs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2009-10).
* Electronic Filing: The Sun Sets on the Paper Trail, ABA-AJEI Panel Presentation (Fall 2009).
* Judicial Notice on Appeal: National Trends, Fla. App. Prac. Sec. CLE (Spring 2009).
* Quo Warranto Extraordinary Writs, Fla. Bar App. Prac. Book (2006-07).

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1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 Miami, Florida 33131