National Federal & Florida representation. Global clientele. Hablamos Español.
Addresses, telephones & e-facsimile:
Available by Appointment
Easley Appellate Practice, P.L.L.C.
Board Certified in Appellate Law
1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 (PH1)
Miami, Florida 33131
800 . 216 . 6185 Main Toll Free
305 . 444 . 1599 Miami Local
888 . 501 . 6185 Facsimile Toll Free
Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Attorney consultations are available by appointment, after your "Initial Consultation Form" has been completed, internally reviewed, the appointment mutually agreed, and minimum Consultation Charge paid [see below].
An Initial Consultation is a critical part of evaluating the appeal's strengths and weaknesses overall, whether proceed with the appeal is wise, and whether this firm can accept work on your appeal. An Initial Consultation includes review of the order or judgment you wish to appeal or defend on appeal, some scoped legal research, then talking generally about the legal problem, and then identifying a general sense of the appeal work involved to achieve the best possible outcome for you. We may also ask you to send us more documents to help us conduct the more informed Initial Consultation.
Because extensive time is expended to prepare for the Initial Consultation, a Consultation Charge of $850.00 payment by Credit Card, is required at least three business days before the appointment and is nonrefundable. If we are retained, that Consultation Charge will be applied toward your retainer.
For your convenience, we provide your Initial Consultation of one hour to you via telephone or Zoom. We also offer in-person Initial Consultations by appointment at our Miami office. For out of office in-person appointments, travel time may be required, depending on distance.
We follow value-based fee compensation arrangements, including hourly, flat rates [fixed fee based on estimated hours and fair, customary hourly rates for highest caliber expertise], and some select contingency arrangements for large amount in controversy cases.
For more information, please contact us:
800 . 216 . 6185 Main Toll Free
305 . 444 . 1599 Miami Local
We thank you for reaching out to Easley Appellate Practice.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Your contact with this firm reflects your understanding and agreement with these statements.
Recommendations or testimonials are not necessarily representative of results obtained, or all clients’ experiences with the lawyer. Facts and circumstances may differ from the matter(s) in which the results or recommendations are provided. Decisions about any lawyer are important and should not be based solely upon what is stated in a social networking site, website or blog. Your contact with this firm reflects your understanding and agreement with these statements.
© 2007-18 Easley Appellate Practice, P.L.L.C. (Since 1994) All rights reserved.
1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 Miami, Florida 33131
800 . 216 . 6185 Main Toll Free
Easley Appellate Practice PLLC
Board Certified in Federal and State Appeals
1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950
Miami, Florida 33131